Living room in North-West direction
A living room in the Northwest of the home is related to Vayu (wind) energies. This causes a lot of agitation and movement. Therefore, choosing a living room in this manner is an option for those who do not want a lot of guests at their house or who want them to leave early.

Living room in South-West direction
This direction is related to Prithvi (Earth). If the living room is in the south-west part of the house, this will encourage your guest to stay for a longer time, and the guest will feel comfortable in your house.

Flooring and furniture in living room as per vastu
According to Vastu, the floor of the living room should slope in the North or East direction. The heavy furniture and showcases should be placed in the southwest, west, or south of the living room. Ideal seating positions for the head of the house are to the north or east and the eastern wall of the living room is the ideal location for the television.

Paintings for living room as per vastu
Pictures and paintings of gods, gurus, or waterfalls are ideal to hang in the North-Eastern corner of the living room. Moreover, you can hang images of running horses or flying birds in the North-Western corner of the living room. Avoid hanging paintings of animals, battles, swords, and guns in the living room, according to the living room vastu, as they can evoke bad energy. Putting a water feature in the North-Eastern corner of the living room, like a fountain or a fish tank, will infuse positivity in the house.

Which plants are to be kept in the living room?
Vastu suggests putting original flowers in your living room, as they encourage positive energy in the space. As per Vastu, Chinese bamboo plants and money plants are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the house. You must avoid keeping artificial flowers in your living room, as this might negatively impact your household environment. Also, remember to replace dried flowers and plants on a regular basis.

Furniture for living room as per vastu
The furniture in the living room should ideally be rectangular in shape. Your living room furniture should not be triangular, circular, hexagonal, egg-shaped, or any other asymmetrical shape. Furniture with unusual shapes or patterns, such as circles, is thought to cause much confusion in your life.

Colors for living room as per Vastu
Yellow, white, green, or cream are the perfect colors for the living room’s walls and floors as well. You must avoid blue and black colors in the living room, either on the walls or floor

Overhead beams must be hidden
If your living room has any exposed overhead beams, those beams must be covered up or camouflaged with the help of a false ceiling. This will assist in preventing any negative energy from entering your living room.

Curtains in the living Room
You can choose both dark and light-colored curtains for your living room. If you choose light-colored curtains, then you must hang them on the North-Eastern side of the room, and if the curtains are dark-colored, then hang them in the South-Western direction of the room, according to Vastu.

Seating arrangements for guests
According to Vastu Shastra, seat arrangement plays a major role in serving guests. The seating arrangements of the living room should be done in such a way that the guests face the northwest or southeast directions. These would considerably stimulate positivity and improve mental peace and relaxation. The sofa should be placed facing south or east to receive maximum sunlight in our home.

Where to place hand paintings?
Elegant hand paintings are ideal for hanging in the living room. Beautiful paintings are excellent home decor items, they enhance blank walls. You must avoid hanging paintings that display sadness or any kind of negative emotion, as this might interrupt your mental peace.

Placement of aquarium in living room
A fish aquarium is an elegant addition to your living room decor. You would experience great peace and relaxation watching the vibrant fish swim merrily in the water if an aquarium were placed in your home. An aquarium also significantly improves the ambiance inside. As per Vastu Shastra, it is advisable to place an aquarium in the north or east direction of your living room. Fish tanks create a harmonious environment, and it is believed that looking at a fish aquarium relaxes and relieves stress. Keeping a goldfish or dragonfish is considered auspicious and helps to connect with nature. You must keep an aquarium away from the kitchen, bedroom, under the stairs, and sunny windows.

Lighting in living room as per vastu
According to Vastu, the living room should have bright and pleasant colors in the center and in the corners as well. Because the place should appear cheerful to make your guests comfortable and give them a relaxing environment. Light is a crucial element and good lighting can naturally uplift positivity in the home. The north-east direction is considered a “Sattva corner” representing creativity, and positive energy, and as per Vastu northeast side of the house is the ideal direction wherein sunlight enters the house. The room should have an abundant supply of natural light. Light has a manipulative character that can alter the environment of a room and evenly distributed lights overhead is considered neutral.

Ideal direction for AC fitting
Considering the west direction to install AC is deemed to be the perfect position in the living room. This is because, compared to other walls, the western walls usually heat up more during the hot summer, and installing an air conditioner on the western wall will optimally balance temperature. You must ensure that you regularly clean your fans, coolers, and air conditioners to attract positive energy and prosperity. Ceiling fans and air conditioners should not make excessive noise.

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