On Tuesday, officials said that Delhi Development Authority will conduct a draw of lots for the allotment of flats for waitlisted applications under the Special Housing Scheme 2021 on December 15, 3 P.M. onwards.

The DDA said in a statement that the draw will be conducted on the basis of a random number generation system and will be held in the presence of independent observers including a retired judge and senior officers of the central government.
The meeting no. of Web-ex Id is 2510 910 7937 and the password is 12345. The general public can view the live telecast of the draw on December 15 from 3 pm onwards through the Webex platform.
The scheme was launched on December 23, 2021, and closed on March 10, 2022.
About 18,335 flats of various categories in Dwarka, Narela, Rohini, and Jasola, among other places, were offered under the scheme. These flats are the remaining unsold in previous housing schemes of the urban body.
The scheme was announced via a newspaper advertisement by the Development Authority, which said the flats were being sold at “discounted prices”.
The DDA conducted a draw of lots for the scheme for applicants on April 18 which was live-streamed.
Previously the DDA said that it had initially placed 18,335 flats located in 28 localities under the scheme. Against only 12,387 applicants have deposited the requisite registration fee, although around 22,100 got themselves registered.
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