GDAResidents of Express Garden housing society in Indirapuram are bothered regarding the legality of the ownership of the flats. This is happening because the list which has been uploaded by Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA) on its website does not carry the details of their apartments.

The residents are anxious thinking about the future of their residential properties pertaining to the exclusion of these flats in the list by GDA. They are scared in respect of the authenticity of their ownership will be interrogated. The main reason of this problem is the division of larger flats into smaller flats by the builder.

Although, GDA has announced that the residents of Express Garden should not be scared of legality issues regarding the ownership as the builder is at fault, for the non-inclusion of flats in the list uploaded on the GDA website.

The fact of not being listed in the GDA website was restricting the elections of the RWA society. The guidelines of the UP Apartment Act say that the resident votes will be based on the area of the flats. This provision gives advantage to bigger flats to have more votes. The basis on which the elections were held till 2013 was one vote per flat.

According to the sources, the problem is not the illegal building of the flats. The problem lies in the fact of splitting the bigger flats into smaller ones and selling them individually.