Delhi environment minister Gopal Rai shared that DPCC decided to take action against those project proponents who haven’t registered their construction and demolition sites on the C&D portal for self-assessment of dust control norms.

NEW DELHI: On Sunday, the Delhi environment minister informed that a special campaign will be conducted from 15 July to 30 regarding the registration of construction sites of more than 500 square meters on the construction and demolition (C&D) portal.
“Dust pollution arising from construction sites proves to be very harmful to the health of people. To work in this direction, the C&D portal was launched in October last year. Self-registration of all sites more than 500 square meters on this portal is mandatory. This portal also facilitates all DPCC officials to conduct site inspections, submit reports online and levy and collect fines.” shared Gopal Rai.
Gopal Rai also shared that 600 project sites have registered on the portal so far.
“DPCC has been directed to ensure that all project sites are registered on the portal. Agencies that are responsible for building plan sanctions are also required to ensure that the project proponents get themselves registered. Orders have also been issued to DPCC to submit targeted and achieved monthly reports of self-audit of all. DPCC has been directed to compulsorily register the project proponents on the web portal, self-audit their compliance with dust control rules, and upload self-declaration forms on the portal on fortnightly basis,” he further added.
Rai informed that for the project proponents who have not registered their construction and demolition sites on the C&D portal for self-assessment of dust control norms, strict actions will be taken against them.
“The self-assessment portal was launched in October last year as it was difficult to visit all construction and demolition sites and monitor the compliance of dust control norms. Apart from self-declaration, provision of video fencing with remote connectivity will also have to be made at the construction site,” he added further.
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