In Sultanpur and Farrukhnagar 51 people have been booked for allegedly carving out illegal colonies on more than 45 acres land.

On the complaint of department of town and country planning (DTCP), 10 FIRs have been lodged against the offenders who were developing 10 illegal colonies ranging from two to eight acres on prime agricultural land.
District town planner RS Batth said, “four illegal colonies were detected in Sultanpur where 24 offenders have been booked. The offenders were developing colonies on a land measuring around 17 acres.”
According to the DTCP complaint, the land falls within the urban area limit of Gurgaon. “The offenders are deliberately continuing with the contravention of provision of Act of 1975 and rules,” Batth added.
In Farrukhnagar Nagar five other illegal colonies were being carved out, where 25 offenders were booked. One more illegal colony was developed in Tajnagar on 2.5 acre land where two offenders were booked.
The department, after serving show cause notices and restoration orders, has now recommended an FIR against 51 persons.
Batth said, “violation of these rules is a punishable offence with imprisonment up to 3 years, and therefore, police should stop the development of those colonies.”