RHB commissioner Pawan Arora said, “The RHB schemes are receiving good response from residents as it caters to all sections of society. The e-auction is organized every Wednesday.”
Through e-auction which happened on Wednesday, the Rajasthan Housing Board (RHB) has earned Rs 21.23 crore by selling 205 flats.
In the Jaipur division, the RHB sold 9 properties to fetch revenue approx. Rs 1.48 crore.
RHB commissioner Pawan Arora said, “The RHB schemes are receiving good response from residents as it caters to all sections of society. The e-auction is organized every Wednesday.”
From next Wednesday there will be an opportunity to get accommodation in Jaipur for only Rs 6 lakh, an official said. This will help to fulfil the needs of lower-income and economically weaker sections.
Also to support the Dwarkapuri Awas Yojna the RHB will sell 356 houses and 85 houses in Pratap Apartments LIG Block. An official said, “As the prices are affordable, affluent classes are coming forward to buy flats in these two apartments to solve the housing problems of their domestic help.”
The affluent class is purchasing in these schemes after the income driver was eliminated from the schemes. The scheme will provide accommodation to drivers, peons, cooks, and other servants working in apartments.
567 houses are now being provided at a discount of 25 percent under the week home scheme development, an official said.
Earlier these homes were available at Rs 15.40 lakh but now these weekend homes will be available only for Rs. 11.55 lakh. The area constructed in the scheme is situated amidst picturesque valleys and the Chowpatty colony, open-air theatre, and exhibition.
Regarding the process of participation in the e-auction, interested applicants can visit the help desk at the RHB offices every Monday from 10 am to 4 pm. They have to submit bid/auction proposals online/e-Mitra.
Other information like terms and conditions, a list of accessible accommodation, reserve rate, percentage of discount, and the process of offering online proposals related to this scheme can be seen on the website of the board.
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