Supertech MD Arora had also informed that his company had delivered the society 18 years ago and cited rules that a builder’s liability is only for the five years and after that, it’s RWAs responsibility to maintain society.

NOIDA There are only five weeks left before the Emerald Court twin towers, Apex and Ceyane, are demolished, but there is still no answer to the question of who will examine the buildings in the immediate vicinity for structural safety and take corrective measures up in the air.
According to the sources Supertech had written a letter declining to conduct a structural audit of the residential buildings surrounding the twin towers and also provided supporting documents on their stand. On Wednesday MD Arora refused to respond to a request for comment. On the same issue, he had already shared on June 29 that “all documents and letters go to the interim resolution professional’s (IRP) office first” and Supertech would decide its course of action if it receives an order for a structural audit.”
The demolition of the twin towers is scheduled for 21st August. On 7th June the Noida Authority asked for a structural audit of seven buildings in a 50-metre radius of the twin towers – three at Emerald Court and four on the adjacent ATS Greens Village compound. According to the timeline decided by authorities, a report was to be submitted to the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) by June 30 and repairs and retrofitting were to be completed by July 30.
Emerald Court residents have been asking for an audit, they are fearing that their homes will be damaged from the demolition of towers. A recent structural study of basements at Emerald Court buildings done by a private firm hired by the society’s RWA had recommended immediate strengthening and retrofitting of some basement columns.
According to the sources, the question of the audit will be placed before a stakeholders’ meeting scheduled on June 19. Sources also shared the IRP appointed after a Supertech group company was taken to the insolvency court – and Noida Authority will also discuss this.
Ritu Maheshwari, CEO of Noida Authority, has directed ACEO Praveen Mishra to look into this and find a solution. Mishra on Wednesday said he was yet to get an official confirmation from Supertech on the audit.
Mishara said “A delegation of RWA members had come to my office to discuss the matter. am yet to see the letter. I have called a meeting of Supertech officials and the IRP.”
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