The prestigious Golf Links neighborhood of Delhi has recently welcomed a new addition to its high net-worth residents. Vasudha Rohatgi, the wife of former Attorney General of India Mukul Rohatgi, has reportedly purchased a luxurious 2,160-square-yard bungalow in the area for a whopping Rs 160 crore. According to the documents accessed by Moneycontrol, the sale deed shows that the bungalow has a plot area of 1806.35 sq m and a covered area of 1869.7 sq m.
The property’s registration was completed on February 24, and the family paid a stamp duty of Rs 6.4 crore for the purchase. Mukul Rohatgi has confirmed the transaction. It is noteworthy that Golf Links has limited availability, resulting in high property prices, which attracts many high net-worth individuals.
The Rohatgis’ new purchase has put them in the company of other corporate leaders who have invested in high-end properties in Delhi. Last year, former Solicitor General of India Gopal Subramanium bought an 866-square-yard bungalow in Lutyens’ Delhi’s Sunder Nagar for Rs 85 crore.
The Rohatgis’ neighbors in Golf Links include Bhanu Chopra of Rategain, Shailesh Arora of Maxop Engineering, and Pawan Agarwal of DB Group, who have also invested in expensive properties in the area. Chopra recently purchased a bungalow measuring 850 square meters for Rs 127.5 crore.
In February, the family members and associates of DMart founder Radhakishan Damani made a massive property purchase in Mumbai, acquiring 28 housing units with a total value of Rs 1,238 crore. This transaction is considered to be one of the largest property deals in India.
Around the same time, Godrej Properties Ltd acquired the bungalow of Raj Kapoor in Chembur to develop a high-end residential project. Recently, DLF Ltd, a major real estate company, announced the sale of 1,137 luxury apartments priced at Rs 7 crore and above, totaling over Rs 8,000 crore, within three days at its housing project in Gurugram.
With the Rohatgis’ recent acquisition, Delhi’s Golf Links continues to be a favored destination for wealthy individuals who are willing to invest in exclusive real estate.
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