On Wednesday a FIR was registered by Badshapur police against the directors of real estate company Sai Aaina Farms and its licensee firm based on a complaint from the Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) for allegedly continuing work on an affordable housing colony on a 9.9-acre land in Sector 68 despite orders to stop.
The district town planner (DTP) restrained the builder from further construction or development work in March 2020 at the site and sale and transfer of property after objections by another real estate company. In February when DTCP team visited the site, they found the builder continuing its work.
District town planner (enforcement) RS Batth said, “A license was granted to Sai Aaina Farms Pvt Ltd in 2017 for building an affordable housing colony in Sector 68… But immediately after the grant of license, another real estate company DS Estates and Constructions claimed that the license fee was paid to the landowners by his company and demanded the authorities cancel the license given to Sai Aaina.”
Batth further said, “Sai Aaina was restrained from undertaking any further work at the site till the issue of appropriate orders from the department. But on February 18 this year, planning wing officials informed that the company was not abiding by the directions.”
Batth added the same is a violation of Section 10 Act no. 8 of The Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975. So, the department wrote to the police and an FIR has been registered under Section 10 of the Act against the firm.
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